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Pay🤑💵 On Time For 2022 Waec/Neco Runz/Expo To Join Us On whatsApp💬 Looking For A Job? Let Us Help You At $25 Only | We Help You With A Job You Are 95% Most Likely To Get🕵️‍♂️ 👩‍💼


                  YES!!!!!!, You definitely found it.

We apologise for not automatically redirecting you to our 2017 WAEC GCE WHATSAPP GROUP.

  We have actually changed the link.We regret the incovenience.However, this action was taken for your security.

 We discovered that some desperate desperate scammers are joining the group via our group link , thereby defrauding some gullible candidates.

        Please, we are now manually adding members to our group and we will only add members who have paid for our 2017 WAEC GCE RUNZ.

         We are sorry for the inconvenience.We are doing everything for the interest of our esteemed candidates.We dont want to be held liable for any scam therein.So, we are taking a very serious security measure.
         To be added to our 2022 WAEC GCE WHATSAPP Group;

1. You Must have paid for our runz

2. You Must have received confirmation message that your payment has been acknowledged

3. Then, add the ADMIN on WhatsApp with +2348138084871

ONLY the admin can add you to the group.

                                 Sincerely, Bmasterz Group!


  1. but how do I join if am not in Nigeria

  2. Enter your will i join your group

  3. Enter your comment...plz I nid only math and I want to pay via Recharge card how would I do dat

  4. Enter your comment...add me pls den I will pay asap

  5. add me to the group please I will pay it's already late for me am having paper by 8:30 today till Tuesday so by Wednesday I will make the payment please 08122784717

  6. Enter your comment...pls I need math eng chem phy bio

  7. Enter your comment...pls add me I will make the payment pls I mean waecgce group chart what app.PLS


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Please, beware of scammers who drop comments on our comment box, demanding for money to upgrade your results .It is pure scam!

Please drop a comment to help us manage our improvement

Note, THIS IS OUR ONLY OFFICIAL NUMBER => +2348138084071